Since 2014 JECUP is committed to uplift the Brick kiln community near Raiwind Town through various means. JECUP with its motto “striving for community uplift” stepped into the brick kiln community ground and since then has been working in close relation with the Brick kiln workers and owners. During this time JECUP has got the opportunity to develop good relations with the brick kiln owners hence making it easier to work for the development for the workers. JECUP under this programme is operating the following projects:

1. Adult Literacy Education Program2. Economic Uplifting Project3. Feeding Project4. Mobile Healthcare Program

JECUP in a recent initiative started a project on Adult Literacy Education at Brick Kiln units near Raiwind Town, Distt. Lahore-Pakistan with a vision to see men, women, boys & girls able enough to read materials necessary for improvement of their daily lives and can solve simple numerical calculations relevant to their daily lives. At 8 Brick kiln units 173 students are being taught so far in this pilot project. We can now see that their living conditions have improved during this one year.

Economic Uplifting project is also a recent Consortia project of JECUP & Small Flock organization in which 80 families are released from Debt bondage. Hence enabling them to work happily in their profession also allowing them to live a free life. The idea of this project is to free the people from bonded slavery and further encouraging them to send their children to schools to give them a better future. Provision of food parcel is a complementary project for enabling the Families to send their children to school and to rise up. Further these families will build a Revolving Fund which will be used to further release more families from bonded slavery.

In a recent initiative JECUP through a Consortia is serving 375 Brick kiln families. Providing them with a food parcel with basic necessities for a month. Each month these 375 families are being given a parcel. The aim of the project is to support the Brick kiln families so that they may get their children educated and give them a better future.

Brick kiln workers face many serious problems like unclean water, population control, good hygiene, sanitation and basic education. The condition of pregnant women is also critical at the brick kilns. Young mothers and their children are severely disadvantaged. There are high rates of child mortality. The consequences of poverty for the children in terms of nutrition and health care are profound, too. There are no family planning or health education. Therefore in light of the current situation prevailing JECUP through its Mobile Health Units visits brick kiln units to cater the health related needs of Brick kiln workers including health education.